Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Please help us never forget.

Poem by Matt Lang.

Goodbye, Elphia. You've been a beautiful dream.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Please, help. We're coming to an end.

Happy Valentine's Day citizens. I wanted to put out a royal edict to let you know how much I love you all. Our kingdom is grand, isn't it? A new, Danger Circus just moved into town reminding me what a powerful place this has become. They call it Obb World. You should drop by if you haven't already.

Alright, enough with the riff-raff and beating around the bush. I hate to have to do this to you, Elphians, I really do. But this is one of the last pictures from Elphia. The color covered the entire Earth. Did you know that they just created a brand new island off the coast? I'm moving, citizens. I'm leaving my kingdom to go out and live among the people. I'm going to Obbityville.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Please, help. I'm always outside of trends.

This was not inspired by the new Disney movie that came out. I mean, maybe it was in the ether, but when I originally drew this strip I hadn't seen a movie poster yet. Actually, I still hadn't seen one by the time the coloring was done either.

Happy 2.10.2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Please help. Life marches on.

Doesn't it bother you that the only clear vision we have is hindsight? Why does time makes us fall backwards through it? The only thing that we really see is the after images of people we knew, burned on our cornea, burned on our brain pans.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Spanxzilla: Female mood swings

One thing I love about this mini-project that I've created for myself is that I get to hear the most random songs bump up against one another. It makes me really happy. I always get so bored listening to the radio play the same 12 songs every other hour. We're in the age of media! It litters the information superhighway. The only thing that keeps people from it is licensing laws. People who have stock in things always want to argue about who owns what. Commercial talent is mostly summed up in dollars and cents. Which is a shame but as to be so, understandably. Business is business even if it's selling art.

That's exactly how this transition felt. It started with M.I.A.'s, "Hussel" which, from what I can tell, is about a guy who is out there trying to make a profit. Then went to a song that I hear a lot, "Punjabi Girl" (DJ A.P.S.) a kind of Bollywood musical remix ending with Ingrid Michaelson's "Keep Breathing" which is as it sounds: a meditation to remind you that you'll make it through if you can just stay alive.

Listening to other songs that came after (Kate Nash, Regina Spektor) I suppose that it was following the female singer genome.