Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Return to Spanxzilla

Citizens, it's been forever since I've been our little kingdom. It feels like aeons since I've been gone. There has been so much happening in other places and times. Oddly enough, I haven't listened to Spanxzilla in a minute. Cracks me up. Here's the last half hour of my life.

The World is New, Save Ferris ---> Crazy, Gnarls Barkly ---> Putting on the Ritz, Rufus Wainwright ---> Speak to Me/Breathe, Pink Floyd ---> The Rockafeller Skank, Fat Boy Slim ---> and finally Heaven, Los Lonely Boys

Looks like it's on a "strong male vocalist" tangent. Whichever, the range is pretty fantastic. The only thing I could wish that could top it would be if Richard Cheese came on