Saturday, February 16, 2008

Please, help, My gf is too cute!

This was a remix of an advertisement for something. It was a really tall (7' - 8') poster board backed with foam. If anyone knows what it was I would love to know. I used it as a calling piece.

It was right about this time last year when I, after three years of being on a figurative monkhood, decided it was time for me to find a really nice girl. Someone who just meshed with me. So I re-mixed the ad to illustrate the qualities that my subconscious desired. This was manifested:

& I had no idea what it meant at the time either.

Fast forward a month... I'm at a karaoke night fund raiser for this show I was doing. I was meeting by buddy, Stevo, there I was going to have a few drinks, sing "Power of Love" by Huey Lewis. I love that song, I had just started doing the spoken word thing to it because I had had a cold one night & had to improvise it that way. & in walks this girl. I'm across the room waiting for the bathroom wearing a set of snow boarding goggles above my glasses & I'm bobbing to the music. I notice her red boots, her red hair. Cute. Go back to bobbing to the music.

Later, hanging out at the bar. That girl, I notice now that her hair is red & her eyes are sparkly green, comes up to me after doing "Oughta Know" Alanis Morissette (hot right?) & says, "Are you Caleb? I've been looking for you." So she found me. & it's been really nice. gush, Gush, GUSH, GUSH!, GUSH!! Thanks, Stevo!

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