Sunday, June 1, 2008

Please, help. This job can be murder.

For those of you who may not know, the circus is a permanent fixture in Elphia. It doesn't need to travel around the country to make living it's actually more popular than the bars downtown. A lot of first dates wind up at the circus. & having a job there is the most noble of professions. There are a lot of lifers basically someone has to die before anyone else can get the job.

For those of you in Chi-town I have artwork being sold at the Andersonville Midsommer Fest (June 14 & 15). The fest runs from 2p-1a & 2-11p with dj & drinks. I'll be there if you want to come by & try to assassinate me. It might make you eligible for my job in the circus.

1 comment:

Caleb D. Manci said...

Dear anonymous,
I appreciate the time that you took to flame me. I understand that you have a lot of that on your hands. You, however, made it impossible for me to remove you from my list because I have no idea who you are. I do appreciate the amount of vehemence that was put into you comment. Elphia does have an effect on our universe!

Much love.